Product Validation -

Enabling effective Product Release, ensuring Product Reliability, Compliance & Performance

Alpha ICT has in-depth expertise in delivering comprehensive Product Validation Services through well-established technology partnerships and an experienced team of professionals for setting up –

Functional testing



Product Reliability testing

Product Reliability

Field trials


These testing and validation are performed not only to validate the product functioning as per specifications & requirements but also to ensure that the product meets appropriate safety & regulatory standards. Further, unbiased testing for product reliability is undertaken determining weaknesses/gaps/issues along with the normal flow & abnormal testing of hardware, firmware & software.

Alpha’s proven experience in delivering product validation includes a wide variety of products- Inverter drives, HVAC controllers, Digital Access Controllers and allied products, Lab instruments and Devices, Asset Tracking Systems, Intelligent Traffic Controllers, Energy Meters and many more.

Black Box Testing

Black box testing

This testing work involves reviewing product specs to update the parameter specifications as well as the severities of tests to then prepare the test plan and conduct-

Review & perform functional testing to validate product design vis-à-vis functional requirements & product specification

Load tests, switching tests & other similar tests performed at Alpha’s internal labs as well as external NABL-accredited partner labs

Reliability & safety testing as per generic standards

  • EMI / EMC- IEC 61000-4
  • Environmental – IEC 61000-4
  • Generic- IEC 60335, , IEC 60068, , IEC 61010-1, UL 991, IC /CE
  • Hazardous-, IEC 60079

Recommend a mitigation plan to ensure compliance with above outlined standards

Design & manufacture automated test jigs for verifying functional tests

Black box testing

White Box Testing

This testing work includes a review of the product specifications for-

  • Reviewing system architecture vis-à-vis the system working & workflows
  • Reviewing circuit blocks – interconnectivity as well as input & output operating conditions.
  • Reporting suggestions & improvements
  • Listing critical criteria for each component
  • Ensuring reliability & longevity
  • For critical components- Calculating safety factor & determining the derating factor
  • Perform/study Design failure mode & effects analysis for all components to identify any weakness in the circuit
  • Review/calculate the mean time between failures to determine the life of the product & suggest alternate components

Field Trials

The study reports on the Field Trials conducted by customers and provides feedback/recommendations

Suggest the suitable locations if applicable where the field trials could be conducted

Alpha ICT’s Unique Offerings & Advantages

Identifying gaps and weaknesses in product design.

Ensuring – 

  • 90% product reliability with 90% confidence level.
  • Mandatory product compliance.

Bringing industry experience specifically related to electronic subsystems.

Availability of in-house labs for functional validation.

Existing eco-system and partnerships with NABL-accredited third-party labs for conducting a diverse set of tests.

Ensure Your Product Meets the Mark!

Rely on Alpha ICT’s Product Validation expertise to achieve functional excellence, compliance and reliability.

Contact us today to validate your product’s potential!

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