Value Engineering -

Maximizing Value Additions while Minimizing Costs through Innovative Solutions

As a well-established product engineering & development partner, Alpha ICT has been assisting customers in identifying high-cost areas for product cost optimization and creating sustainable value for their end customers and markets through well-structured Value Engineering Services.

Value Analysis
Value Analysis
Value Engineering

Value Analysis

Value Analysis

Existing Products – The offerings include a comprehensive evaluation of an existing embedded electronics-driven product, to orchestrate innovative ways for achieving cost reduction without compromising the integrity and performance of the products along with their processes.

At Alpha ICT, this is executed by analysing the value and/or utility of products and how this relates to the incurred cost-

Identifying products with high potential for subsequent Value Analysis and Value Engineering activities

Identifying cost drivers by analysing product functionalities, implemented technology, customer-specific as well as market driven needs

Product bill of material analysis for examining various types of components including manufacturing processes and their associated costs to create & implement cost reduction solutions

Obsolescence resolution along with the service life and product longevity analysis

Migration of legacy embedded systems from one hardware platform or OS to another

Value Analysis
Value engineering

Value Engineering

Value engineering

For NPD and ongoing product development requirements, offerings include value engineering services during the product development stage, either as a part of the ongoing OPD work or as a standalone service, to maximize the value of a product prior to production release and to align with the client’s overall business objectives.

  • Implementing component engineering analysis and solutions
  • Product benchmarking – comparing cost, features and performance with similar products and implementing “cost-optimization” solutions
  • Reducing weights & size – Analysing other modules & components integrated within the system
  • Analysing manufacturing processes and recommending suitable solutions
  • Re-designing

Technology Upgradations-

  • Revamping products/ modules by replacing obsolete /old components with cutting-edge components, microcontrollers, sensors, and communication interfaces
  • Tackling obsolescence, boosting system functionality, decreasing power consumption, and aligning products/ modules with the latest technological advancements
  • Optimize user interaction with embedded applications/devices.
    Our process includes-
  • User needs analysis, market survey, ergonomic considerations
    • Re-design
    • visual layer improvement as well as process simplification
    • Product Validation
    • Updated design documentation

Improving embedded solutions performance, efficiency, and security

Restructure the existing code of your embedded systems or redevelop the code without altering their function, including migration to a more current technology or framework

Alpha ICT’s Unique Offerings & Advantages

Training and focus on emerging and new technological advancements in components, microcontrollers, sensors, and communication interfaces.

Ongoing partnerships and associations with leading technology providers and component vendors.

Multiple skills and capabilities under one roof- Mechanical, Embedded Electronics- Hardware & Firmware, Software Application- Desktop, Cloud, Web and Mobility.

Vast product engineering experience related to embedded electronic-driven products and modules allowing a collaborative and client-focused approach; combining insights and feedback within the value engineering process.

Well-established manufacturing support eco-system – from prototyping to manufacturing setup.

Optimize Your Product for Cost and Performance!

Let Alpha ICT’s expert Value Engineering Services help reduce costs, enhance functionality and boost product longevity.

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